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The All New Intensive Home Training Program(s)

Scroll down and find out more about the intensive home training programs that we created so you can get similar great results as our intensive ten day training clients do. (Please note that at the bottom of this web page we offer free help as well as brand new coaching sessions for choosing the right training strategies for the home situation)

1. Foot and Ankle RecoveryĀ 

Learn more about the crucial elements needed to recover foot and ankle function after stroke.


Click Here for the Foot and Ankle Home Training Program

2. Spasticity and Hemiparesis ManagementĀ 

Find out which elemental training principles can be used to control spasticity and get your affected site working better.

Click here for Spasticity Management Home Training program

3. Normalizing Walking after Stroke

Hear what we did for our clients to improve their walking and getting out of compensation movements after stroke.

Click here for the Walking Optimization Home Training Program

4. Restoring Balance and Enhancing Post Stroke Rehab

Learn why balance issues are so common after stroke and how balance can be used to enhance neuroplasticity and learning new training methods.

Click here for the Regaining Balance Home Program

5. Recovery of Shoulder and Arm Function

In the video Arjan reveals some of the factors that are often overlooked or under-addressed, but crucial in the recovery training of arm and shoulder function after stroke

Click here for the Shoulder and Arm Intensive Home Training program

6. Hyper Extension of the Knee Reduction

See which major training principles can be used to improve and redistribute forces around the knee after stroke.

Click here for the Knee Hyper Extension Home Program

Not sure which course or training strategy is right for you?

Fill in the form below to book a free brainstorming session (15 min.) with Arjan and Linda. No obligations. The only requirement for this free call is to provide some information about your situation, so we can cover a lot of ground during our call. Fill in the questionnaire below and we will contact you within a week to set up the call.

New! Post Stroke Rehab Coaching and Strategy Sessions 1:1

Get the best out of your home training with advice and help from rehabilitation and training expert Arjan Kuipers (post stroke rehab clinical neuroscience and functional neurological consultant) N.B. Coaching sessions entitle you to a 50% of any Home training program that you choose (coupon codes will be provided during the coaching sessions!


Book your Consultation and Coaching Session here